Publish package to NPM registry


Devmnj • Wed Nov 02 2022

0 min read

Posted Under : How to

NPM is Node based JavaScript package registry. Thousands of packages and libraries are being added to npm daily. To publish a package to npmjs we should have

  • A build project ready to publish
  • Package.json
  • account

Name of Package

The name of the package, is the first thing to not in package file. Of course there are millions of already used packages, so the name may not be available, prefer another, make a search on the npmjs. Alternatively we can use scope in name. For example


This will create private package, we can make it public when publishing it. Here the mongo is the npmjs username, and it should be.

Readme help developers to give some usage sample and basic information. If you don't know the standards, please install VSCode extension for generating README.

Other Package fields

Source code


  "name": "@meo/package_name",

  "version": "1.0.0",

  "description": "Awesome description",

  "author": "Mumi",

  "license": "MIT",

  "keywords": ["color-picker","color","CSS","vuejs","vue-components"],

  "repository": {

  "url": "git://"





Make sure , build the project properly. Go to terminal (cd into the project) and login to npm using credentials.

npm adduser

Make sure you are login

npm whoami  

If you are using scoped name (@username/pkg) use the following command to make the package available to all

npm publish --access=public

or you can use the

npm publish

and it will be added to your package list on npmjs.

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